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    Tom & Jen


    About us

    The Apartments at 31-81 are a privately owned and operated rental property in Astoria New York, focused on bringing value, style and sense of home to its tenants. All upgrades, repairs and maintenance performed on the property are done by the landlord or by licensed, bonded and insured improvement firms (no subcontractors).

    A Focus on Improvement

    Originally constructed before 1890, this building has undergone updates and changes to keep pace with the lifestyles of today’s New Yorker. For the last decide, the owners of 31-81 have been proactive in bringing in skilled teams to implement improvements both inside and outside the building. Critical systems have active maintenance contracts with local businesses and get regular annual and semi annual service visits. Improvements have not been limited to a new coat of paint every few years, in fact many of the projects the owners have taken on have improved both the overall energy efficiency of the property and the overall aesthetics of each apartment. Throughout the many changes, The Apartments at 31-81 have set themselves subtly apart from some of the more traditional surroundings to be more in-line with the changing face of Astoria, New York. To read more about the projects and improvements at 31-81, check out our news page.

    Reliable Service Providers

    New York City has a huge number of skilled tradespeople, however finding the right ones to service the systems at 31-81 was critically important. Traditional word-of-mouth referrals from other property owners in the area has always been a great starting place, a great sign has been if someone is still happy months after making the final payment. From those recommendations, the owners have used a combination of calling referrals, verifying license status, asking for current proof of insurance and making sure that no subcontractors are involved. The NYC Department of Buildings page Know Your Construction Professional has been a huge help in researching companies and people prior to making the first phone call.

    Approved Company List

    Plumbing and Heating
    • Ranshaw Plumbing & Heating (link)
      (718) 767-0707
    • Greater New York Plumbing
    2 Generations of experience 11 Years owned 9 Years out of 11 rented 99.9% Satisfied customers

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